Logging in to District Chromebooks, Passwords and More(Updated 07/10/24))
Below is some basic information about using District provided Chromebooks at home
Logging into Chromebooks:
All students grades TK and higher are issued District accounts that allow them access to devices and software. To log in to District Chromebooks, students need to know both their username (also referred to as email address*) and password.
Usernames and Emails:
Student user names/emails are a part of the students' domain and follow a specific template. The username/email starts with the student's ID# followed by the domain. Below is an example of how a student's username might look.
Example : John Smith, Attends Green Valley Elementary School with an ID of 123456 = 123456@students.srvusd.net
You can find your student's ID# in Infinite Campus as needed.
District Chromebooks will be pre-filled with the @students.srvusd.net at the login page, so your student can just type their ID# before it.

Students new to the District will have passwords set using a designated template. Students will receive direction on how to log in from their schools/teacher during the first week of school. If the template password does not work, your student's teacher can assist with resetting it in the classroom or an IT ticket* can be submitted to help with a reset. To minimize the number of passwords and accounts students have to remember, the District uses many single sign on (SSO) services through https://classlink.srvusd.net to assist and link different programs to one account. This means for your student, when they have to reset their password, it also automatically updates the login password for other systems. For example, once rosters are finalized, Classlink (AKA SRVUSD Portal) provides a single place to access and log into, Infinite Campus, Google Classroom, Managed Apple ID's, Gmail and other Google Services for your student will use the same password.
For grades 4-12 : If a student has concurrent school year enrollment and updated their password in the previous school year while enrolled their password stayed the same.
Students are encouraged to update their password at least annually or anytime they believe their account has been compromised. Please check your District communications for specifics about your student's password should you have further questions.
Students can update/change their password at anytime at https://password.srvusd.net
*If you still are unable to update your student's password or they have forgotten it, submit a ticket at (Parents: https://parentithelp.srvusd.net or Students: https://studentithelp.srvusd.net ) or call our help desk at 925-824-1840 #2. Please note password resets not requested in person, will require verification of identity before changing the password.
Special Note: Middle School Students have valid emails but can only email internal addresses such as their teachers. High School students have valid emails that can send to both internal and external addresses. All emails issued by SRVUSD are managed and protected by the School District.