How to enable Web GL or Hardware Acceleration on Chromebook for some Online Learning Programs
WebGL is a graphics rendering plug in of sorts that is supported in Google Chrome and other major browsers. Some of our Online Learning Programs, such as Lexia requires Web GL be enabled or if enabled and still not working, need the hardware acceleration settings adjusted for it to work properly.
In the latest versions of Chrome, Web GL is automatically enabled. So, if you or your student is experiencing this issue, step 1 is to check for updates on your Google Chromebook. Please note that updates are blocked M, T, TH during school hours, and W 8-12. While updates are managed at the District level, you can during approved windows update manually as needed. Below is a link to a Google article with step by step instructions on how to update the chrome OS version on your chromebook.
Updating chrome:
If your Chrome OS is up to date, and your are still being prompted to "enable" WebGL you may need to adjust the "Hardware Acceleration" settings on your Chromebook as well. Below are step by step instructions on how to check and enable hardware acceleration on your chromebook.
1. Open a Chrome browser window and paste this into the address bar: chrome://settings/system

2. Ensure the Use hardware acceleration when available checkbox is checked (You'll need to relaunch Chrome for any changes to take effect) For chromebooks this means logging out or rebooting your device.
3. After Chrome opens again, open a new window and paste chrome://gpu into the address bar. From this page, check that the words Hardware accelerated appear next to WebGL and WebGL2 in the Graphics Feature Status heading.

If, instead of “Hardware accelerated”, you see “Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable,” Chrome has automatically disabled WebGL because of a potential stability issue and District Tech Support can work to repair your OS or provide you a replacement device.
Of course we understand that everyone has different comfort levels in performing updates and changes to settings. We are here to assist you. If you need additional assistance completing these steps, are uncomfortable trying these steps on your own or just have questions, please let us know.
Thank you
SRVUSD IT Help Desk Teams